Case Studies of Chronic Insomnia Patients Participating in Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
Mi Jin Yi, Tae Won Kim, Jong Hyeon Jeong, Soo Hyun Joo, Seung Chul Hong, Soo Yeon Suh
Sleep Med Res. 2012;3(2):45-49.   Published online 2012 Oct 30     DOI:
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The effect of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia on sedative-hypnotic use: A narrative review
Alexander Sweetman, Stacey Putland, Leon Lack, R.Doug McEvoy, Robert Adams, Ron Grunstein, Nigel Stocks, Billingsley Kaambwa, Emer Van Ryswyk, Christopher Gordon, Andrew Vakulin, Nicole Lovato
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